An essay on RODIN´S
APPROACH TO ART introduces you to the most
significant aspects of the artist´s
work and discusses his style
and methods as they developed over the years
(preview version!).
The COLLECTION pages give
you the world´s most complete overview
of ca. 220 Rodin collections on
six continents.
Other pages offer you essential BIOGRAPHICAL
information, guide you to
hundreds of BOOKS
and PHOTOS, or point to
further online
Inform yourself about the current debate among Rodin scholars at the
and STANFORD Rodin Symposiums,
and read in-depth essays
on THE
ORIGINAL IN RODIN´s WORK, the much-discussed MacLaren
plaster collection, or Rodin´s
large THINKER.
The UPCOMING EVENTS page features upcoming
Rodin exhibitions.
Please use the GUESTBOOK
to post questions and announcements.
Through the RODIN-WEB
PEER NETWORK you can exchange information
and opinions with
other people that share your interest in Rodin.
The RODIN-WEB so constitutes an art-historical
an Internet guide
and an online forum at the same time.
The RODIN-WEB is an independent, not-for-profit initiative. You can support
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For any information or questions, please send me an

Hans de Roos
Munich, Germany