Rodin sculptures in the Permanent Collection
(see catalogue French Sculpture II, 1999)
The Man with the Broken Nose (Mask). I.N. 1782
Bronze (cire perdue); verdigris green
patina. H. 25,5. Modelled (1862/63).
Cast (before 1918).
Signed on the left side of the neck and at
the same place inside on the plinth: A. Rodin.
Foundry stamp on the inside of the foot:
Alexis Rudier/ Fondeur Paris.
Purchased February 1918 through the
art-dealer Asta Moller (Paris).
Donated by Ny Carlsbergfondet in 1919.
The Age of Bronze. I.N. 606
Bronze (sand-cast); green patina. H. 180,5.
Modelled (1875/76). Cast (1901).
Signed on top of the base and to the right:
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen from Rodin in
October 1900; sent to Copenhagen in
August 1901.
John the Baptist Preaching. I.N. 607
Bronze (sand-cast) green patina. H. 200,5.
Modelled (1878/79?) Cast (1902).
Inscribed: on the base, between the feet:
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen in December 1901; sent
to Copenhagen in October 1902.
The Thinker. I.N. 605
Bronze (sand-cast); dark green patina. H.
73,3. Modelled (1880). Cast (1900/01).
Inscribed on the left side of the base at
the bottom: A. Rodin.
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen from Rodin,
October 1900; sent to Copenhagen June 1901.
The Thinker. I.N. 1341
Bronze (cire perdue) dark green patina. H.
181,0. Modelled (1880). Cast (1905/06)
Inscribed on the base at the bottom,
underneath the right leg: A. Rodin.
Foundry mark on the back of the base,
uppermost on the right: CIRE PERDUE/
A.A. HEBRARD/1904 and below to the left:
A.A Hébrard/Cire Perdue.
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen, November 1905;
brought to the Glyptotek July 1906.
Donated by Ny Carsbergfondet.
The Shade. I.N. 610
Plaster. H. 202,0. Modelled (1880). Cast
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen, August 1903;
arrived in Copenhagen June 1904.
The Shade. I.N. 2749
Bronze (sand-cast); dark brown patina. H.
191,8. Modelled (1890). Cast (1902).
Inscribed on the upper part of the base, by
the left foot: A. Rodin.
Foundry mark on the base behind the left
foot: Alexis Rudier/ Fondeur Paris.
Ex-collection of Alphonse Kann (St.
Germain-en-Laye, bought from Rodin in 1902).
Hermann Goering. Kann. Kleinman (Paris).
Bougth from the last named's collection in
1953 through a Danish art dealer in
Donated by Ny Carlsbergfondet the same
Caryatid Sinking under the Weight of her Burden. I.N. 1397
Marble. H. 55,0. Modelled (before 1881).
Cast (latest 1907).
Inscribed on the left side of the base, to
the left: A. Rodin.
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen from Rodin in
October 1907; delivered in January 1908.
Donated by Ny Carlsbergfondet.
Eve. I.N. 1380
Limestone. Sculptor's assistant: Bourdelle. H.
175. Modelled (1881). Carved (1901-06).
Inscribed on the right side of the base to the
rigth: A. Rodin/ 1907.
Purchased by Carl Jacobsen from Rodin in July
1907; sent to Copenhagen in October
1907. Donated by Ny Carlsbergfondet the same
Jean-Paul Laurens. I.N. 1342
Bronze (cire perdue); dark brown patina. H.
57,4. Modelled (1881). Cast (1905/06).
Inscribed on the right side of the base and
inside at the front of the rise: A. Rodin.
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen in November 1905;
arrived in Copenhagen in July 1906.
Joan of Arc. I.N. 1396
Marble. H. 43,2. Modelled (1882). Carved
(1906 at the latest).
Inscribed on the right side of the base: A.
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen from Rodin in
August 1907; delivered in January 1908.
Donated by Ny Carlsbergfondet.
Victor Hugo. I.N. 612
Plaster (original cast?). H. 48,3. Modelled
Promised by Rodin to Carl Jacobsen in
October 1900: still undelivered in October 1904.
Victor Hugo. I.N. 611
Bronze (cire perdue); dark brown patina. H.
43,7. Modelled (1883). Cast (1900/01).
Inscribed behind the left shoulder: A.
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen from Rodin in
October 1900; sent to Copenhagen in
June 1901.
Aimé-Jules Dalou. I.N.
Bronze (sand-cast); blue-black patina. H. 52,3.
Modelled (1883). Cast (1908?).
Inscribed on the left shoulder, and inside at the
back of the rise: A. Rodin.
Foudry mark on the back of the right shoulder:
Ordered by the Glyptotek from Rodin in October
Donated by By Carlsbergfondet in 1909.
Eternal Spring. I.N. 1647
Marble. H. 72,0. Modelled (1884). Carved (1910 at
the latest).
Inscribed on the side beneath the support for the
arm: A. Rodin.
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen from Rodin in July 1907;
sent to Copenhagen in October 1910.
Donated by Ny Carlsbergfondet.
The Prodigal Son. I.N. 1393
Limestone. H. 138,4. Modelled (1884).
Carved (1899 at the latest).
Inscribed uppermost on the left side of the
base: A. Rodin.
Purchased by Carl Jacobsen from Rodin in
October 1907; arrived in Copenhagen in
January 1908.
The Kiss. I.N. 609
Marble. Sculptor's assistants: Ganier
(pointing) and Dolivet. H. 197,0.
Modelled (circa 1884). Carved (1901/03).
Inscribed on the base, beneath Francesca:
A. Rodin.
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen from Rodin in
October 1900; sent to Copenhagen in
February 1904. Donated by Carl Jacobsen in
Eros and Psyche. I.N. 3065
Plaster (possibly plaster original). H.
21,5. Modelled (before 1886). Carved (?).
Purchased in 1972 from an art dealer
(Paris), who had acquired it at auction, Versailles,
26th October 1971.
The Burghers of Calais. I.N. 614
Bronze (cire perdue); green patina.
H. 213,0. Modelled (1884/85). Cast (1902/03).
Inscribed on the rigt side of the
base: A. Rodin. Foundry mark on the left side of the
BRUXELLES. Ordered by Carl Jacobsen
from Rodin in October 1900; sent to
Copenhagen in July
The Danaid. I.N. 1811
Marble ("from Sinaya").
H.33,9. Modelled (mid 1880s). Carved (1900/01).
Inscribed on the base by the left
foot: A. Rodin.
Ordered by Dr. Max Linde (Lübeck) in
October 1900. Purchased in 1927;
donated by Ny Carlsbergfondet the
same year.
Ovidian Metamorphosis. I.N. 1395
Marble. H. 33,8. Modelled (before
1886). Carved (1907 at the latest).
Inscribed on the rear of the base: A.
Acquired by Carl Jacobsen from Rodin
in October 1907; delivered in January 1908.
The Death of Adonis. I.N. 2608
Plaster (possibly original plaster cast).
H. 15,0. Modelled (before 1888). Carved (?).
Illegible incised inscription on the base
under the left side of Adonis. Charles Madvig.
Purchased in 1946 by Edith Madvig Fersing;
donated by Ny Carlsbergfondet the same
Three Sirens. I.N. 1812
Marble ("from Sinaya"). H. 76,0.
Modelled (before 1888). Carved (1902?).
Inscribed on the front of the base: A.
Ordered by Dr. Max Linde (Lübeck) from
Rodin in 1901. Purchased in 1927;
donated by Ny Carlsbergfondet in 1927.
A Female Faun Embraching a Bacchante. I.N. 3072
Bronze (sand-cast); dark brown patina. H.
17,2. Modelled (late 1880s). Cast (1917).
Inscribed on the base underneath one of the
hooves: A Escudier/ Rodin and inside on
the incline: A. Rodin.
Foundry stamp on the base along the edge:
Alexis RUDIER./. Fondeur. Paris.
Paul Escudier. Acquired in 1973 through an
art dealer (Paris) from Escudiers's family
(Suzanne Négretti).
Pygmalion and Galathea. I.N. 1590
Marble. H. 76,9. Modelled (1889). Carved
Inscribed on the modelling stand under
Acquired by Carl Jacobsen from Rodin in
July 1907; sent to Copenhagen 1910.
Donated by Ny Carlsbergfondet.
Monument to Victor Hugo. I.N. 1337 a,b,c
Plaster. Victor Hugo: H.
163,5. The Tragic Muse: H. 77,0. Meditation: H.
Modelled (before 1889). Cast (1902-05).
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen in December 1901
and in August 1903 donated to the
Glyptotek by Rodin; received in October
Puvis de Chavannes. I.N. 613
Bronze (sand-cast) dark patina. H. 50,5.
Modelled (1890). Cast (1900/01).
Inscribed on the left upper arm: A.
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen from Rodin in
October 1900; sent to Copenhagen in June
Paolo Maltesta and Francesca da Rimini. I.N. 1394
Marble. H. 74,6. Modelled (before 1894).
Carved (at the latest 1907).
Inscribed on the right side of the base, to
the left: A. Rodin. Ordered by Carl Jacobsen
from Rodin in August 1907; sent to
Copenhagen in January 1908.
Donated by Ny Carlsbergfondet in 1912.
The Blessings. I.N. 1717
Marble. Sculptor's assistant: Mathet? H.
90,5. Modelled (1894). Carved (1907?-12).
Inscribed on the right side of the base: A.
Rodin 1912.
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen in October 1907;
delivered in July 1912.
Donated by Ny Carlsbergfondet.
Alexandre Falguière. I.N. 614
Bronze (cire perdue), brownish-black
patina. H. 41. Modelled (1897). Cast (1900/01).
Inscribed on the left shoulder: A. Rodin.
Foundry stamp on the right side:
Ordered by Carl Jacobsen from Rodin in
October 1900; sent to Copenhagen in June
The Good Genius. I.N. 1398
Marble. H. 73,3. Modelled (At the latest
1900). Carved (1907).
Inscribed on the rigth side of the base,
beneath the figures' hands: A. Rodin.
Purchased by Carl Jacobsen from Rodin in
October 1907; sent to Copenhagen in
January 1908. Donated by Ny
Marcelin Berthelot. I.N. 1917
Bronze (cire perdue); dark brown patina. H.
44,6. Modelled (1906). Cast (1930).
Inscribed on the inside, at the lowest part
of the ascending side: A. Rodin.
Foundry stamp at the back at the bottom:
Alexis Rudier Fondeur Paris.
Ordered from the Musée Rodin in 1930.
Donated by Ny Carlsbergfondet in 1931.
Georges Clémenceau. I.N. 2849
Bronze (cire perdue); dark patina. H. 46,7.
Modelled (1911). Cast (?).
Inscribed on the left shoulder: A. Rodin.
Foundry stamp on the back to the left:
Montagutelli Fres. CIRE PERDUE PARIS.
Benny Dessau (acquired in 1930 from the
Musée Rodin, Paris). Purchased in 1965.
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Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek