These pages are based on information gathered from Museum websites and other web publications, from Rodin books and exhibition catalogs, and from personal correspondence with many of the Museums listed.

My overview does not pretend to be authorative when it comes to judge authenticity and provenance of single art works. Although I strived to construct a fairly complete overview, I had no opportunity yet to integrate all data from my reference library (see BOOKS) into this Website. This will be a project for the months and years to come.

Despite its limitations, the RODIN-WEB ist the first academic project trying to produce a truely global overview of Rodin´s work, instead of being based on a single collection.
For a profound discussion of single works, though, I can only recommend to study the catalog books by Athena Spear, Jacques de Caso & Patricia Sanders, John Tancock, Albert Elsen and other eminent Rodin scholars.

You can search the COLLECTIONS section by selecting a venue from the combo link boxes at the top of each collection page, or go to the OVERVIEW page, or use the SEARCH MASK to look for keywords.

Any suggestions and contributions, art historical or technical, are always welcome.


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© Copyright 1992 - September 2003 for data collection & design by Hans de Roos - All Rights Reserved.
Last update of this page: 19.09.2003